Back to School - Is it working?
In the UK we are in week four of another school year, the children, in general, are finding their flow, getting used to new class demands, getting to grips with homework and schedules including after schools and clubs. The children are also navigating perhaps new social circles and meeting new friends. It is a lot! It is a lot for the children and a lot for the grown ups around them. The teachers and support staff, the coaches and tutors and of course the parents/care givers. Making sure the reading records are filled in, homework completed, the right uniform on the right day, club sign ups, class meet ups and parent drinks and so on…
Week four is when I start to ask – is it working? – it is in week four that I start to realise that the children are settled/settling or struggling. Have they adjusted to the school routine, are they finding the work difficult or are they struggling to find a friendly face to play with or sit with at lunch time. So many times in my job I am asked when to reach out for help, my answer is often by week four, it is time to start asking the question is it working?
Is it working? Break it down into four main areas of concern – routine or schedule, the work, friendship and social life. Are they struggling to get up and out in the morning? Complaining about after schools, not wanting to go to clubs, tired and fractious most evenings? Perhaps they are doing too much… it is important for all primary school children to have an evening after school to play, to be home with good dinner and a calm quiet transition to bed time, an evening to catch up and reset.
If the work at school has become difficult and you are fighting over homework or the teacher is sending emails showing concern or you are seeing concern – it is time to speak with the support staff at school, start researching strategies to help, do not wait for your child to figure it out… getting support in any capacity takes time, if by the time the support comes around and you no longer need it then you can say thank you and move on but if the situation deteriorates you have the support lined up to help.
Friendships and Friendship issues may need a quiet word with a teacher to see how things are progressing, suggesting a play date or post school hang out at the closest park before the evenings become too dark, an shared afternoon snack to get a fuller picture of friendship situation.
If any one of key elements of school are drifting a little or raising a concern then trust your gut and have a chat with someone, get more information, get a better understanding of the situation, make a plan….if you don’t know where to start then don’t hesitate to send your questions to the Clever Tortoise.